Pigmenta Soap

Kojic acid contained in this soap is a substance acquired from fermentation of herbal sugar and steady usage of this soap causes elimination  of  hormonal macules and also sunburn macules and freckles resulting in skin rejuvenation and clarity.


Skin macules include spots or smears darker than skin which might be formed in light or dark or greyish brown and/or even black on the skin. These macules result from activity of skin pigment generating cells (melanocytes)  in the respective  area. The  macules are various and include freckles, different types  of  dermal moles, aging  macules, and so on. They occur as a result of dermal anomalies and inflammations, consumption of certain  medications and  light-sensitive agents, contact with sunlight ultraviolet  beam  and  certain diseases (such as Addison, liver  problems  and pituitary gland) and pregnancy. A treatment of such macules includes usage of  exfoliating and  whitening PIGMENTA Soap. This soap contains beneficial ingredients such as kojic acid, coconut oil, soybean oil, glycerin, and so on. Kojic acid contained in this soap is a substance acquired from fermentation of herbal sugar and steady usage of this soap causes elimination  of  hormonal macules and also sunburn macules and freckles resulting in skin rejuvenation and clarity.


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