Acid salicylic Shampoo

Acid salicylic causes keratin to loosen through dissolving the intercellular adhering substance which interconnects the scalp in the stratum corneum and accelerates scaling This keratolytic effect of medicine might also bring about an antifungal effect. This substance prevents dandruff occurrence by destroying dead dermal cells Acid salicylic has also slight antiseptic effect.


Dandruff is the result of abnormal scaling of surface laye r of the scalp. Dandruffs emerge due to various reasons like improper nutrition, excitement and anxiety and stress, warm and humid  or cold and dry weather, greasy scalp, excessive sweating ,hormonal  imbalance  especially androgens, excessive use of hair cosmetics, and hair uncleanliness. Dandruff is more common among men. Some research works conclude that male hormones cause this problem. Also, men have larger sebaceous glands in their scalp which can result in increased dandruff. Dandruff is generally more prevalent among the men than women and it is more  observed  during puberty.

Acid salicylicis used to locally treat hyperkeratotic skin disorders and fungal skin infections particularly tinea pedis and  acne vulgaris, dandruff and seborrhoeic scalp inflammations and also psoriasis treatment. Acid salicylic causes keratin to loosen through dissolving the intercellular adhering substance which interconnects the scalp in the stratum corneum and accelerates scaling This keratolytic effect of medicine might also bring about an antifungal effect. This substance prevents dandruff occurrence by destroying dead dermal cells Acid salicylic has also slight antiseptic effect.



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