Candidiasis or candidal vaginitis is regarded as one of the most prevalent female infections such that most women experience it several times before menopause age. This fungal disease which is associated with whitish and cheesy secretions, itching and genital inflammation is normally caused by increased moisture, heat, perspiration, tight underwear and pants. One way of preventing this disease is to use women’s hygienic gel Vagina washing gels are prepared and formulated for washing the external area of women’s genital. The cleansing gel is alcohol-free and is further effective by maintaining natural pH of the vaginal area and mild non-soap cleansers and thanks to containing effective compounds of herbal extracts.
Pomegranate contains various nutrients including different types of vitamins and minerals. For instance, pomegranate has large amount of vitamin C and also B group vitamins like acid folic and niacin and minerals like phosphorus, magnesium, zinc and potassium. It also contains other useful compounds like tannin and anthocyanin. Pomegranate has weak estrogenic effects, and hence, can be effective in removal of menopausal disorders. Pomegranate is one of the richest sources of polyphenols as a group of strong antioxidants. The effects pomegranate can bring about include: increased skin blood circulation, skin whitening, enhanced skin softness and elasticity and improved skin moisture, mitigation of inflammation and anti-bacterial property and also presence of tannin in pomegranate causes dilation and contraction in the genital area. Application of this cleansing gel brings a sense of satisfaction in the consumer due to emanating a desirable scent and anti-microbial performance.
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